One of the most asked questions I get is probably: „How do you keep up with everything going on in your life and how do you manage to be as productive as you are and maintain a good work/life balance?What…
who *Anzeige A few weeks ago I was invited by MINI Electric to join their launch of the first all-electric MINI. An exciting journey charged full of passion started when I arrived at Amsterdam Schipol Airport, were I was picked…
Superfood Bowls sind seit einigen Jahren ein großer Trend im Food Bereich und bekannt für ihre nährstoffreichen Inhaltsstoffe, die sowohl einen Vorteil für die Gesundheit als auch für den Geist bieten. Im Dschungel der Food Trends, wollte ich euch heute…
It took spring a long time to arrive here in Germany and we’re already in May, so it’s about time for me to start rolling out all my upcoming looks for you. Let’s keep this one short.…
Do you struggle with a bloated stomach, dry skin, a bad digestion or feel like you have a lot of water retention in your body and want to loose some weight while you get clearer skin? I wanted to share…
Creating this platform was always about creating inspiring content that you my beloved readers will enjoy, but also for me to share things I’m passionate about. Something you may not know about me is that I have a huge passion…
As winter time is finally approaching and I have been a little under the weather, I decided to take a few weeks off to reconnect to what’s really important in life. I have to admit that one of the most underestimated things…
A while back I made my way to Hamburg to shoot a new look for the blog and as summer time is what feels like already over here in Germany, I was able to sport this new gucci leather bomber jacket with…
A few weeks ago I had the honor to visit Moët & Chandon in my hometown Épernay. As some of you know a huge part of my family is French, so I was super stoked when I got asked…
Finally I can share my very first post on my new car section. I wish you could see how much I am smiling as I’m typing this, as this was a long awaited addition to my blog. Being a small town native…
I finally got around to head out and shoot a little part of my Louis Vuitton Bag Collection. Since I’ve launched my blog I got requested to show my favorite Louis Vuitton pieces and here they are. I…
Isn’t it crazy how easy it is to experience another culture, climate and part of the world just by hopping on a plane nowadays. That’s exactly what I did to escape the cold winter in Germany a week ago. Not…
A few weeks ago I went to visit a close friend of mine and blogger MrMoudz in Dubai and spent a week in the ever so beautiful Arab Emirates and even though I had a busy schedule I got around…
A few days ago I had the chance to visit the showroom/store by The Kooples to check out the newest pieces of their fall/winter collection 2016 and what I saw was nothing short of beautiful. Starting from the premium…
In everything I do in the fashion industry, I don’t care much about gender roles, especially when it comes to creating looks to inspire my readers. It is crazy how society is sometimes trying to make you do/wear things according to your…
Outfitdetails: Shirt/Shorts: Tiger Of Sweden (hier kaufen/buy here) Schuhe/Shoes: Boss Orange (hier kaufen/buy here) Sonnebrille/Sunglasses: Dior (hier kaufen/buy here)
Heute zeige ich euch meine Top 5 Must Haves aus dem Bereich der Technik – Dinge, welche meinen Alltag bereichern, erleichtern und um euch eine der wohl meist gestellten Fragen zu beantworten, welche Kamera mein Fotograf für meine Bilder nutzt.…
Eine Augencreme welche verspricht Falten und feine Linien zu mindern, das Hautbild zu straffen und zusätzlich noch Augenschwellungen sowie Augenringe zu reduzieren – klingt zu sehr nach einem Werbespruch für mich, jedoch Grund genug dieses Produkt auszutesten. Eine Marke welche…
Für mich verkörpert dieser Look die Freiheit, das Lebensgefühl und Kreativität welche ich verspüre, sobald ich in Kalifornien bin. Fast im kompletten Jean Look, welcher unbewusst fast von oben bis unten aus Teilen der Marke Levis besteht, machte ich mich…